Thursday, January 6, 2011

The Bottom Feeder

In life theirs many obstacles to overcome, and tho I try to avoid as many as possible, or find the best way around them, theirs always the ones that amuse me and keep my attention.

Regardless this is the kind of self centred negativity thing a Bottom Feeder would perhaps enjoy, I don't care.

In relationships, you have disagreements, lies, truth, love, honesty and all that, but sometimes it doesn't always end well as some exceed on forever!

I find it my luck that with whom ever I'm dating at the time, theirs always someone who sticks around and has attached timeless to who I have chosen to be my partner.

Hasn't anyone ever told you that desperate is not the answer? Benefit of the doubt here, you may still want the "Friend Ship" or lack their of, but I'm calling bullshit.

You have a pathetic relationship now, so this brings you to feel lost so you back track.
You do not know what love is, and since you FUCKED up the first time, what honestly makes you think your the better option? I applaud your optimism tho.

MY theory is to move on; Point blank, why would it work now?
In any kind of relationship I've attempted to have, if they screw me over, or if something didn't work out, I find something else, with some same qualities ( because those are obviously the ones I like, and that don't COMPLETELY annoy me.) but for the most part they are different.

Don't get mad when you tell my partner;
"I miss you"
" I'm still in love with you"
" I want another chance"
"Are you and him/her happy? Is their really nothing left between us?"

(this list is very long and way to much effort for me to respectively get into right now.)

And I get upset about it.
Don't mistaken my irritation for Jealousy, because that I am defiantly not, if they wanted you, they could just have you and I will gladly move on.
I'm just irritated with the fact your trying to ruin a good thing, because your live is so miserable that you have to find humor in negative ways.

My advice to you, is to get over it.
Go find someone who lives in your town.
Who isn't an ass (the whole bad boy thing is over rated and just leads to misery)
it didn't work the first time, it will not work now.

and no, I did not write this because I can not confront you.
The last time I asked you to stay away, you filled the inbox with useless threats, and a lot of illiterate sentences.
Maybe you can stumble across this little blog one day and realize, " HEY, this sounds a lot like me! man.. how embarrassing!" and wake the hell up!

:) kids these days..