Monday, November 29, 2010

The Creep!

So your 23.

You supposedly have a Car, House, and a Job.

but you have time for chat lines.... ha. alright.

In my opinion your weird, I mean I'm not the one talking to you, but this 17 year old girl is next to me and I'm not exactly sure on how many times Ive herd you say.

" your pretty...ah Ya know, I'll give ya that!  ah aha and a nice Body, ya know"

Word for word no joke, this guy is a damn FREAK!.
Repeating himself like that.

followed by a few more repetition but a better "conversation" or lack their of!

*Insert repetitious phrase from earlier about face & Body*

" But what do you have to offer besides your looks?  What do you have to keep me around?"

She needs to flip that shit real quick like Angie said to!
"look, I am pretty, 'n I do have a nice body, so what the fuck makes YOU so special? I got guys lined up waiting for me, so what do YOU have to offer?"

I tell ya, this guys a trip!
1hr 45min later this dude Finlay gets off the phone.
AND he's Mad about it!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Rude Type

I'm not exactly sure on were or how I find these girls.
Doucebag's more like it.

A simple question I ask my ex - "Did I leave my camera at your apartment?"

Response; "Wtf. You took that shit a long as time ago if you don't remember then that's on you." & A couple more response's when I wasn't so happy with her answer.  Not hard to guess tho, because her vocabulary consists of about 75 words. All rude 

Now, I don't remember being rude about it, all i did was ask and you really wanna snap?
look, I get your mad that I don't have your sweats anymore, like they were some security blanket to you.  I honestly don't think id give them back regardless.  You have this persona of some hard ass chick when really your a coward.  You couldn't even tell me their was someone else, you and your cousin thought it would be funny to create some story on how you moved out with a new girl, and when your cousin came home from work everything was gone "including" my things.  So no, I didn't hold onto your things, why would I?  I tried to come over and get my pillows not see you that's for damn sure.

Guess Instead of being conceited you could let me go over and return your things as well as gather mine.

You know in movies, sitcoms, anything really with a similar story line were theirs this character who seems to have a conflicting personality inside than what they act?

Example; The football jock in GLEE, he's a dick. Stupid. all because he's really gay, or well confused.

That's the perfect description of my ex.
- Big, Dumb & Trying to be a hard ass -

Your not a starving child.
You have an apartment, Family that loves you.
oh yea, A JOB!

So heaven forbid that I am annoyed with your anger.


Reality Check;
--You have it pretty good compared to most people out their.
   You need to grow up and wake up.
   You lose friends for a reason.
   Bitch doesn't look good on you, then again what does?